Online Job Scams: Why Millennials Should Be on the Lookout

Millennials is a term used in reference to those who grew up between the 1980s and mid 2000s. They are now at the age where job searching is a necessity so money can be made. Thanks to modern technology and its effortless access to information online, job searching has been made simple for this generation. A quick look online can lead to numerous job opportunities. This puts a huge target on their backs as scammers take advantage of this ease of use and deliver  job scams that target those eager to find work.

High Unemployment Rates Make Scamming Easier

Unemployment rates are high on average. The highest rates fall to the millennial generation, with over 12 percent unemployed between the ages of 20 and 24. Those 25 to 54 experience a nearly 6 percent rate of unemployment. High unemployment rates are making this generation more susceptible to scams because so many are ready and willing to try anything. When a job comes up, they take it without hesitation. Many do not realize they have fallen victim to a scam until after they have spent money to start a job that never comes to fruition.

How Average Job Scams Work

While not all are done the same way, many job scams have a similar goal. The main intent is often to steal money. This is typically done by asking for cash upfront to get started in the business. Job seekers will send in money in hopes of receiving valuable information about the job that can help prepare them for the type of work ahead.  Identity theft is another common objective of scammers. When identity theft is the goal, a large number of sensitive questions will be asked in order to gain personal information. This allows the con artists to pose as another person and use their accounts for lavish spending.

Avoiding the Scams

Millennials hoping to avoid online job scams need to be on the lookout for suspect behavior. Jobs asking for money upfront or inquiring about too many personal details should instantly be avoided. Job searchers should also be wary of the following types of advertisements:

  • ads offering high pay for minimal work
  • instant job offers without an interview
  • companies with no website or background information

If the offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Proper research should be done on each company to ensure they are legitimate. Finding little to no information about them may mean they are not a true business.

Sorting out the scams from the valid opportunities can sometimes prove difficult, but it is worth it to check into. Some scams may only cost you a few dollars, but others can cost a great deal when identities are stolen and substantial charges are made in your name. Millennials on the hunt for work should especially be careful, as this age group is the primary target of many online job scams out there today.

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